Introduction > Motivation

The Motivation Behind VirtualPlant

With the increase in the abundance and the different types of experimental data that are becoming available in the public domain, there is an increasing demand from the biological community for applications that will help manage and utilize the data. The VirtualPlant software platform was created to help the experimental biologist integrate genomic data and provide visualization and analysis tools for rapid and efficient exploration of genomic data. VirtualPlant provides researchers with the necessary data and tools to generate biological hypotheses which they can validate.

In order to make the software intuitive to the user, VirtualPlant was created Like an e-commerce site. The Cart in VirtualPlant is similar to a shopping cart in an e-commerce site where the user can add all the items they are most interested in. The Cart is the mechanism for storing Gene Sets and Experiments, which the user can later process by using one of the analytical and visualization tools.


Introduction > Motivation